

Medical and hygienic aspects of a healthy lifestyle

Nowadays, the impact of these stimuli is constantly increasing, physical forces (muscles) are ready for action, and the realization of this action does not occur. Most of the physical exertion is performed for a person by machines and mechanisms. He seems to be in a situation of constant readiness for action, which is not allowed to perform, and his body eventually begins to experience the negative consequences of such a state.

On the other hand, the flow of information is constantly growing, which means that the emotional load on a person is increasing. Therefore, to maintain their health in good condition, a person needs physical training. A person must develop a permanent habit of practicing physical education in order to ensure a harmonious balance between mental and physical loads. This is one of the most important components of the individual system of a healthy lifestyle.

People who are constantly engaged in physical culture are less exposed to stress, they cope better with anxiety, anger and fear, since their body is trained, accustomed to the influence of various stressors, and self-regulation processes in the body are more stable.

A physically trained person can relieve emotional stress through exercise. The body of such people better resists illnesses, and in the case of any diseases, the latter proceed without complications, and recovery occurs more quickly.

Hardening is an increase in the body’s resistance to unfavorable atmospheric influences of the external environment. This is achieved by short term exposure to human heat and cold stresses to stimulate immune mechanisms and improve adaptation processes.

Hardening is another important condition in the component of a healthy lifestyle. At the heart of hardening lies the ability of the human body to adapt to changing environmental conditions. This procedure leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the body under the influence of a certain physical factor. So, for example, the systematic effect on the body of cold increases its resistance to low temperatures. This is one of the most important areas of hardening, as it is of great importance for the prevention of respiratory viral diseases.

In non-hardened people, as a result of cooling, the level of metabolic processes decreases, the activity of the central nervous system worsens. This leads to a general weakening of the body, contributes to exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones.

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