

Summer fitness: how not to hurt your health

Summer is the perfect time for fitness and outdoor sports. No matter how modern and cool the gym would be, it does not go in any comparison with workouts in the park or on the bank of the river. Another issue is that summer heat can be bad, the time for training should be carefully selected, it is also important not to get damaged.

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It is important to exercise caution to avoid injury. If you decide to start running, then you should not immediately try to run a marathon. Start with fast walking – this is also a physical load that will help a person without sports training to throw off extra pounds and be tightened. Think of time and place where you are going to run or walk. Since at air temperature more than 25 ° C and humidity above 50%, the pulse will increase by 10% more than when running in the cool season. Therefore, if you do not have experience in running at least 3-4 months, then you need to start carefully and gradually. And a reliable friend to you will be pulse oximeter – a device for monitoring the pulse and oxygen saturation of blood.

Lovers of power loads in the summer go to the regime of strength endurance. Turntables and bars in the open air will be found in every city and even in the countryside: the same school sports ground. If there is an open-air gym in your town or village, do not try to make maximum exercises with a lot of weight and minimum reps in the heat, as you used to do in the gym with air-conditioning. It is better to choose simulators with a lighter weight, but to make more repetitions.

What do wrong exercises lead to?

There are a number of physical exercises that can be traumatic both for women and for men. These are loads of heavy loads, improperly performed exercises, long intensive jogging. If the aerobic load (mainly performed for weight loss) to perform, regardless of the state of health, pulse rate, then you can cause problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, any physical activity should be adequate, and the training program should be properly prepared.

Incorrectly performed exercises lead to injuries and can cause pain in different parts of the body. And this is not the crease of the muscles, which arises from beginners or when performing completely new exercises. If you do not do anything, the muscle fever usually holds for about 3 days.

How to distinguish muscle fever from injury

“Muscle fever ” occurs after heavy physical exercises or people with poor physical training who have recently been engaged in sports. Also, muscle pain may occur after a few hours or even a day after the workout: this pain is called late muscle pain (ZMB). Such pain is caused by microtraumas – breakdowns of muscle fibers. The benefit of such microtraumas is to activate the secretion of hormones, by which healing is stimulated and the inflammatory process in the muscles is suppressed. As a result, we have an increase in muscle mass.

If such microtraumas in the muscles are not healed, then the next intense physical activity can be harmful. And with an excessive amount of workouts, physical exhaustion may occur. If the muscles hurt very strongly and for a long time, or if you have general swelling in your arms or legs, you should worry and urgently ask the traumatologist: they may have been damaged, and they need to be restored using medical procedures and remedies.

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