

Miscarriage: how to identify and eliminate the cause

The reasons why a woman can not safely endure and give birth to a baby are many. When a long-awaited pregnancy spontaneously breaks, it is difficult to survive. And if this happens more than once or twice? Staying alone with your trouble is not necessary, because, despite the seriousness of this problem, it is solved. Thanks to modern diagnostic techniques and the experience of specialists, many women manage to keep pregnancy and give birth to a long-awaited baby.

When miscarriage is diagnosed

If the pregnancy has occurred spontaneously two or more times, then in this case the specialist can diagnose the habitual miscarriage. However, in early pregnancy, for example, at 6-8 weeks, spontaneous abortion often occurs, and the woman does not even realize that she was pregnant. And such cases occur from 40 to 80%, as a result, a woman can think that it is generally sterile.

About miscarriage of pregnancy is said in the event that the pregnancy was interrupted spontaneously in the period from conception of the child to the 37th week of pregnancy (the first week of the ninth month). If the pregnancy is spontaneously interrupted from conception to the 22nd week (approximately 4-4.5 months of pregnancy), then in this case spontaneous abortion occurs – miscarriage. A spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the third trimester, that is, from the 7th month of pregnancy, is regarded as premature birth.

Why a woman can not bear a child

Pregnancy can interrupt itself for a number of reasons: it can be sexual infections, fetal development anomalies, fibroids and other formations in the uterine cavity, endocrine diseases – in particular, diabetes mellitus. An important factor provoking miscarriages is stress, immunological disorders, poor ecology, professional activity in harmful conditions, etc. Also, the cause of miscarriage may be hormonal disorders, severe forms of toxicosis of pregnant women, placental insufficiency, etc.

To solve the problem of miscarriage, need a diagnosis?

As you can see, the reasons that do not allow a woman to safely endure and give birth to a baby are multifactorial – and often many miscarriages lead to miscarriages. It is important to examine not only the woman, but also her husband (partner), because in sexual infections or hereditary factors (genetic diseases that form fetal anomalies, etc.) in a man, the baby can not endure a woman whose reproductive health problems do not exist. Diagnosis and treatment aimed at preventing spontaneous miscarriages should be performed before the woman becomes pregnant. But, if the pregnancy has occurred and earlier there have been cases of spontaneous interruption, it is important to immediately register in the antenatal clinic and begin the diagnosis in order to preserve the desired pregnancy.

In addition to diagnosis and treatment (if detected) of inflammatory and infectious diseases, it is important to learn the characteristics of menstrual and reproductive functions, the state of the ovaries, and to undergo a number of important instrumental examinations of the female reproductive system: ultrasound, salpinography and laparoscopy (if necessary) of the uterus, etc. To choose a clinic for diagnosis and treatment of miscarriage, the public register of public health facilities will help you: if it’s difficult for you to make a choice yourself, then please contact our consultants for free help.

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