

Drugs and Society

Addiction is a problem that concerns not only the health of individual members of society who suffer from this ailment. Addiction is the problem of society as a whole. In one way or another, it affects all its elements, first of all, requiring the costs of treatment for drug addicts, the elimination of the consequences of all kinds of crimes committed by them in the state of intoxication, the maintenance of the judiciary, prisons and other institutions designed to combat illicit drug trafficking. Therefore, the society has the right to introduce strict drug control over the use of narcotic drugs.

But it was difficult to limit access to drugs, it is almost impossible. They are easy to obtain in any country, although you can often hear reports of the confiscation of large quantities of drugs. Since the drug business is transnational, the control over the transport and distribution of narcotic drugs is very complex, especially since drugs are an important element of the economy of many developing countries. The colossal revenue generated by the production and sale of drugs encourages many people to take risks associated with genes and addiction, and illegal actions.

Unfortunately, attempts to reduce the demand for narcotic drugs were also unsuccessful. Despite all the efforts of specially trained teachers and educators, people. Continue to abuse drugs and alcohol. It should be acknowledged that effective methods of combating drug addiction and preventing seism are not yet developed. Strategy and principles of preventing and eliminating students from drug dependence.

There are many programs aimed at relieving people of drug dependence. Experts believe that the most effective are those that take into account the following factors:

  • The chemical dependence can be interrupted and kept under control, but cannot be cured. The purpose of finding ways of treatment is not a reduction in the consumption of a drug, but a complete abstinence from it;
  • Problems associated with or dependent on chemical dependence should be considered as secondary to the treatment of the patient;
  • Negation of the problem is the norm for a patient suffering from chemical dependence. Almost all these people either avoid talking about their illness, or aggressive;
  • Chemical dependence is a disease of the whole family; therefore the treatment program should cover all its members;
  • People who suffer from chemical addiction need the help of qualified psychologists, since almost all of them are characterized by lack of self-confidence, dependence, negative self-esteem, fear of getting rejected, a sense of rejection, social immaturity.

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