

Adrenalectomy – surgical treatment of adrenal tumors

Adrenal glands – paired glands related to the endocrine system, perform a number of important functions. Like any organ, the adrenal gland can stop working stably because of a tumor, malignant or benign. As a result, the hormonal background, metabolism, arterial pressure problems and many other pathological conditions can be disrupted. In a number of cases, only surgical treatment – adrenalectomy – helps to get rid of neoplasms in the adrenal glands and related diseases.

In what cases do adrenalectomies

This type of surgical intervention is an operation in which the right or left adrenal tumor affected by the tumor is removed. If the specialist offers this particular method of solving the problem, which in some cases is the only method of treatment (for example, pheochromocetoma – a hormonally active tumor or oncological formations), then one should not panic immediately. Modern technologies used in surgery, allow an operation with minimal trauma to the tissues and return the patient to normal life.

Adrenalectomy refers to surgical operations that are performed only according to the doctor’s indications and only after thorough diagnosis. Such indications in most cases are:

An adrenal infarction, the size of which is more than 4 cm. This new growth is detected in most cases by chance and often occurs without symptoms.

Malignant (cancerous) tumors

Benign hormone-active tumors – the data of education, producing hormones, are treated only in an operative way. Often such formations are manifested by causeless “jumps” of arterial pressure, sweating, headaches, panic attacks.

Methods of operation and preparation of the patient for adrenalectomy

If there is a suspicion of a neoplasm in the adrenal glands, the patient undergoes a series of examinations. Obligatory consultation with an endocrinologist, a blood test for hormones produced by the thyroid gland, CT and ultrasound of the adrenal glands, etc. These data will allow you to know the location, size of the lesion, its hormonal activity, etc. Based on the diagnosis, the surgeon (after consulting with a number of specialists – endocrinologist, cardiologist, therapist, anesthesiologist), if there are no contraindications to the operation, will offer the most optimal technique.

Adrenalectomy can be performed by a traditional method – using a cut in the abdominal wall and using laparoscopy – a minimally invasive technology. With laparoscopic adrenalectomy, the operation is performed through several small punctures. Significantly reduce the risk of tissue damage and make surgery less traumatic helps the ultrasound scalpel, with which the vessels coagulate and the risk of bleeding is minimal.

Rehabilitation after adrenalectomy

The length of stay in the hospital depends on the type of technique used: after laparoscopy, the patient may be in the hospital under the supervision of a specialist for 1-2 days, open surgery requires observation in the hospital from 3-4 days to a week. It is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations so that the adhesions do not form, control the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, all the nutrients the patient receives in the primary recovery period after the operation with the help of droppers.

Return to normal life the patient will be able to average 2 weeks after adrenalectomy. Choose a clinic for diagnosis and treatment of adrenal diseases and adrenalectomy will help you public register of medical institutions: if you make it difficult for yourself to choose, then contact our consultants for free assistance.

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